Clear pricing, great value.

Try Instaforum free for 14 days. Cancel any time.

  • 100K monthly page views
  • 50 GB storage
  • Unlimited members
  • SSL support
Most Popular
  • 500K monthly page views
  • 250 GB storage
  • Unlimited members
  • SSL and Single Sign-On
  • 4M monthly page views
  • 2 TB storage
  • Unlimited members
  • SSL and Single Sign-On

Sales & Billing FAQ

How does the free trial work?

Your first 14 days are completely free. You can cancel any time during the trial period and pay nothing.

How do I cancel?

Two clicks from the Billing section of your forum dashboard.

Are there any extra costs?

Instaforum has everything you need, including premium hosting, SSL, spam filtering, global CDN and off-site backups.

How long have you been in business?

We've been proudly serving our customers since 2014, when we launched PlushForums.

Is Instaforum secure?

Yes, and we'll endeavour to keep it that way. Our services are trusted by large corporations, institutions and local government.

Are there any discounts?

You can get two months free each year by choosing an annual subscription. You can switch any time.

What happens if I go over my plan limit?

Members can still log in freely. If you go over the limit on a number of occasions, we'll ask you to upgrade to a larger plan.

What happens to my data if I want to leave?

We promise to provide you with a copy of your data in JSON format.

Can I use a custom domain name?

Instaforum is designed to work with your own domain. You just need to create a DNS record that points to an address we provide.

What counts as a page view?

Instaforum never actually reloads the page in your browser. So we count a view every time you do something that would've caused a page load in older forum software.

Have a question or need more information?